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Vella Island Kalpitiya - Portugal Bay


Come to Vella Island for a day trip and have fun in one of the best kitesurfing spots in the world


Would you like to stay one night or a couple of nights in a paradise island? This is a real challenge and an amazing adventure!



Would you like to ride all the way along the coast of Wilpattu National Park? 


Margarita kitesurfing school is located in kalpitiya, very near to the kite spot in Kalpitya lagoon.  We offer kite lessons for all levels, starting from beginners to more advance riders. Thanks to our new campsite in Vella Island we offer amazing day trips, overnight stays and unforgettable downdwinds


We organize day trips to one of the best  kitesurfing spot in the world.  Vella Island, located in Portugal Bay is perfect place for kitesurfing in flat and shallow  water  and it is just in front of the Wilpattu National Park. We start from Kalpitiya lagoon around 9 AM and we go to Vella Island by boat. It takes  around 45 minutes to get to the island.  We will full day kitesurfing  in the island and we will return to Kalpitiya in the afternoon around 4 pm

Price per person: 45 Eur

What is included: kite guide, safety boat, lunch, water 


This is an extraordinary adventure for kitesurfers as we will spend one or more nights in Vella island. We will sleep under the light of the stars and the warmth of the local fishermen.  Would you like to stay in a real fishermen hut and live an authentic local experience? In this trip to Vella Island you will kitesurf from sunrise to sunset. At evening, we offer fresh BBQ fish  in front of the kite spot!!

Price per person: 60 Eur

What is included: safety boat, lunch, BBQ dinner, Breakfast, lunch and 20 L water can per person


This amazing downwind offers the possibility to combine many nice kitesurfing spots around kalpitiya area. Most of the time we will be riding along the Portugal Bay, next to the Wilpattu National Park. We will leave kalpitiya early morning by boat and will be heading to the Dream spot. Once in the dream spot, we will launch our kites and we will ride to Ilimpattivu island, where we will take a break. From Ilimpattivu we will ride by the Wilpattu national park coast to Vella Island. This downwind will take around 2,5-3h to be completed. From Vella island we will come back to kalpitiiya by boat

Price per person: 45 Eur

What is included: kite guide, safety boat, lunch, water 

Anchor 1
Anchor 2
Anchor 3


Margarita Village Kitesurfing camp




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